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Verify confidentiality with biometric signature

Verify confidentiality with biometric signature

Idenfit employee information module allows companies to centralize confidential employee information and define access permissions to authorized managers to ensure that employee information is both secure and accessible.

All confidential employee information and records beside documents such as employment contract, leave approvals, financial papers, overtime forms can be stored online and verified with a biometric signature.

Store your employee information safe and secure

Custom access levels in Idenfit enable users to give each employee access to edit their own personal information while simultaneously limiting their access to sensitive company data. This feature alone removes a massive time and cost waste, all while preserving the security of employees’ information.

Store your employee information safe and secure
Change and update employee information easily

Change and update employee information easily

It’s hard to store employee information in accurate and secure way when it is shared in so many platforms like across spreadsheets or in individual documents. Changes and updates in the employee information happens often and brings lots of workload.

Idenfit lets users manage all the employee datas on all in one HR database that communicates with every other modules of the software, so users can enter, update, and check employee records in an instant way without dealing the same problems over and over again
